Carynn Spencer

Carynn Spencer Email and Phone Number

Technical Sales Representative @ Altec
birmingham, alabama, united states

Carynn Spencer's Current Company Details


Technical Sales Representative
birmingham, alabama, united states

Carynn Spencer Work Experience

    Technical Sales Representative
    Altec Jul 19 - Present · 5 yrs 7 mos
    Birmingham, Alabama, United States
    Mathematics Educator
    Roanoke City Public Schools Jan 09 - May 14 · 5 yrs 4 mos
    Roanoke, Virginia, United States
    Taught a variety of challenging math courses including Algebra I, Algebra II, Statistics and College Math. Selected to coordinate remediation efforts for struggling students in critical SOL areas. Demonstrated consistent success with student scores on the VA SOL mathematics exams.
    Sales Representative
    Abbott Jun 07 - Jan 09 · 1 yr 7 mos
    Illinois, United States
    Successfully influenced physician prescribing habits through presentation of clinical data, education programs and in-service presentations. Grew market share across three product lines by building strong customer relationships and consistently proving product superiority to competitors.
    Mechanical Design Engineer
    Conn-Weld Industries, Inc. Aug 04 - May 07 · 2 yrs 9 mos
    Princeton, West Virginia, United States
    Experience in all phases of product development life cycle. Designed vibrating screens using 3-D modeling and created technical drawings according to customer specifications. Worked with a team of salesman, engineers and skilled workers to meet deadlines and observe budget restraints. Created new product price quotations for the inside sales team.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Carynn Spencer

What company does Carynn Spencer work for?

Carynn Spencer works for Altec

What is Carynn Spencer's role in his/her workplace?

Carynn Spencer's role in his/her workplace is Technical Sales Representative.

Which industry does Carynn Spencer work in currently?

Carynn Spencer works in the industry Machinery.

Who are Carynn Spencer's colleagues?

Carynn Spencer's colleagues are Peter Eswine, Peter Eswine, Sidnei Lima, Sidnei Lima, Joseph Mackey, Joseph Mackey, Adam Ebernickel, Adam Ebernickel, Casey Culver, Casey Culver, and Dan Mcphee. and John Ronkainen.

Who are Carynn Spencer's peers at other companies?

Carynn Spencer's peers at other companies are Irwansyah Pasi, Luiza M, Emre Intepe, Robert Thompson, Matteo Zerbato, and Dave Allen. and Keshav Vats. Carynn Spencer's peers at other companies are Irwansyah Pasi, Luiza M, Emre Intepe, Robert Thompson, Matteo Zerbato, and Dave Allen. and Keshav Vats.