Carynn Puentes

Carynn Puentes Email and Phone Number

Accounts Payable Clerk @ Crest Foods Co., Inc.
ashton, illinois, united states

Carynn Puentes's Current Company Details

Crest Foods Co., Inc.

Accounts Payable Clerk
ashton, illinois, united states
Food Production

Carynn Puentes Work Experience

    Associate Of Science - As At Worsham College Of Mortuary Science
    Ashton, Illinois, United States

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Frequently Asked Questions about Carynn Puentes

What company does Carynn Puentes work for?

Carynn Puentes works for Crest Foods Co., Inc.

What is Carynn Puentes's role in his/her workplace?

Carynn Puentes's role in his/her workplace is Accounts Payable Clerk.

Which industry does Carynn Puentes work in currently?

Carynn Puentes works in the industry Food Production.

Who are Carynn Puentes's colleagues?

Carynn Puentes's colleagues are Paul Simons, Paul Simons, Eric Lollar, Eric Lollar, Sarah Marron, Sarah Marron, David Henrikson, David Henrikson, Roderick Burnette, Roderick Burnette, and Michael Kitchell. and Rick Rice.

Who are Carynn Puentes's peers at other companies?

Carynn Puentes's peers at other companies are Colin Mawdsley, Sevinç Erleblebici, Yan Miric, Ba A. Nicole Andreakos, Leroy Neilson, and Antoinette Moore. and Ferenc Jánossy. Carynn Puentes's peers at other companies are Colin Mawdsley, Sevinç Erleblebici, Yan Miric, Ba A. Nicole Andreakos, Leroy Neilson, and Antoinette Moore. and Ferenc Jánossy.