Carynn Lucas

Carynn Lucas Email and Phone Number

Food Server @ Cracker Barrel
lebanon, tennessee, united states

Carynn Lucas's Current Company Details

Cracker Barrel

Food Server
lebanon, tennessee, united states

Carynn Lucas Work Experience

Carynn Lucas Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Carynn Lucas

What company does Carynn Lucas work for?

Carynn Lucas works for Cracker Barrel

What is Carynn Lucas's role in his/her workplace?

Carynn Lucas's role in his/her workplace is Food Server.

Which industry does Carynn Lucas work in currently?

Carynn Lucas works in the industry Restaurants.

What schools did Carynn Lucas attend?

Carynn Lucas attended South Carolina State University.

Who are Carynn Lucas's peers at other companies?

Carynn Lucas's peers at other companies are Jessica Covey, Luka Lukovic, Jaime Bezerra, Ingrid Brunnen, Lindley Michael, and Gurleen Kaur. and Fares Bouzaine. Carynn Lucas's peers at other companies are Jessica Covey, Luka Lukovic, Jaime Bezerra, Ingrid Brunnen, Lindley Michael, and Gurleen Kaur. and Fares Bouzaine.