Carrie Blizzard

Carrie Blizzard Email and Phone Number

Primary Tax Processer And E-File Administrator @ Rental Management

Carrie Blizzard's Current Company Details

Rental Management

Primary Tax Processer And E-File Administrator

Carrie Blizzard Work Experience

    Rld 2016 - 2018 · 2 yrs
    Responsibilities included budgeting and purchasing, all accounts payable andreceivable, bank reconciliations, performed price and product research, inventory management, maintained office equipment and supplies, provided general administrative support to owners.
    Tax Department Administrative Coordinator
    Bethesda, Maryland, United States
    Responsibilities included generating production reports, set up and track all taxworkflows in electronic workflow system, process all tax extensions, coordinate andfollow-up for all e-filing activity, coordinate all client tax organizers and relatedsupply preparations, monitor IRS regulations to ensure compliance, supportpartners/head of tax department in monthly billing process, provide generaladministrative support to partners, prepare financial statements, back upadministrative duties as needed Show less
    Executive Assistant
    Michael Rinaldi & Co. Llp 2012 - 2013 · 1 yr
    Washington, District Of Columbia, United States
    Responsibilities included preparing financial statements, all accounts receivableand payable, processing tax returns, reconciling bank accounts, preparing clientcorrespondence, provided administrative support to managing and administrativepartners including creation of general procedures manual, perform general officefunctions such as scheduling, office supply pricing and requisitions, maintainedoffice filing systems
    Project Accountant
    San Francisco, California, United States
    Responsibilities included overseeing and preparing monthly billing totalling $8Mper month, produced monthly aging, open invoicing, sales, revenue andrecognition reports, prepared monthly and semi-monthly invoices for governmentcontracts, setup and maintenance of files within specific financial software, verifiedproper distribution of charges to specific accounts and contracts, maintained andestablished accounting job codes
    Smg Video 2002 - 2005 · 3 yrs
    Responsibilities included budgeting and purchasing, all accounts payable andreceivable, bank reconciliations, establishing and maintaining all vendor accountsincluding calculation of and processing of all royalty and commission payments,performed price and product research, inventory management, maintained officeequipment and supplies, supervised warehouse and support staff, providedgeneral administrative support to owners
    Accounts Receivable Manager
    Rental Management 2018 - 2019 · 1 yr
    Responsibilities included all accounts receivable, bank deposits and reconciliationsfor all company’s and owner’s multiple bank accounts, general administrativesupport, customer service, budgeting, purchasing and maintenance for all officesupplies and equipment
    Primary Tax Processer And E-File Administrator
    Dixon Hughes Goodman Llp 2010 - 2012 · 2 yrs
    Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
    Responsibilities included execution of client tax processing and billing includingrelevant tax statements (W-2’s and 1099’s), processed payroll reports, documentscanning, preparation and mailing of client tax organizers, coordination of monthlystorage inventory, upkeep and maintenance of off-site storage, prepared monthlyclient billing for senior partners, prepared financial statements, processed clientpayroll and payroll tax forms, maintained and administered CPE for CPA’s, servedas e-file administrator Show less

Carrie Blizzard Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Carrie Blizzard

What company does Carrie Blizzard work for?

Carrie Blizzard works for Rental Management

What is Carrie Blizzard's role in his/her workplace?

Carrie Blizzard's role in his/her workplace is Primary Tax Processer And E-File Administrator.

What is Carrie Blizzard's email address?

Carrie Blizzard's email address is

What is Carrie Blizzard's direct phone number?

Carrie Blizzard's direct phone number is +13233852832

What schools did Carrie Blizzard attend?

Carrie Blizzard attended George Mason University.

Who are Carrie Blizzard's colleagues?

Carrie Blizzard's colleagues are Amelia Hillman, Amelia Hillman, Katie Horton, Katie Horton, Mary Davis, Mary Davis, Christopher Garren, Christopher Garren, Jom Bob, Jom Bob, and Tyler Leach. and Sara Cohen.