Carol Wolfe

Carol Wolfe Email and Phone Number

Director @ Frey Foundation
grand rapids, michigan, united states

Carol Wolfe's Contact Information

Carol Wolfe's Current Company Details

Frey Foundation

grand rapids, michigan, united states

Carol Wolfe Work Experience

    Frey Foundation Jul 21 - Present · 3 yrs 6 mos
    Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
    Vice President And Program Manager
    Frey Foundation End date missing
    Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States

Carol Wolfe Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Carol Wolfe

What company does Carol Wolfe work for?

Carol Wolfe works for Frey Foundation

What is Carol Wolfe's role in his/her workplace?

Carol Wolfe's role in his/her workplace is Director.

Which industry does Carol Wolfe work in currently?

Carol Wolfe works in the industry Philanthropy.

What is Carol Wolfe's email address?

Carol Wolfe's email address is

What is Carol Wolfe's direct phone number?

Carol Wolfe's direct phone number is +16123596215

What schools did Carol Wolfe attend?

Carol Wolfe attended Edina East High School, Edina East High School. and University Of St. Thomas.

Who are Carol Wolfe's colleagues?

Carol Wolfe's colleagues are Lynnette Ferrell, Lynnette Ferrell, Sarah Hockin-Mix, Sarah Hockin-Mix, Bryana Hopkins, Bryana Hopkins, and Milt Rohwer. and Campbell Frey.

Who are Carol Wolfe's peers at other companies?

Carol Wolfe's peers at other companies are Diego González, Marine Raymond, Cindy Lawrie, Stéphane Willems, Saeed Mirfattah, and Urvesh Patel. and Corri Roberts. Carol Wolfe's peers at other companies are Diego González, Marine Raymond, Cindy Lawrie, Stéphane Willems, Saeed Mirfattah, and Urvesh Patel. and Corri Roberts.