Sumit Patil

Sumit Patil Email and Phone Number

Assistant Manager @ Ey
london, greater london, united kingdom

Sumit Patil's Current Company Details


Assistant Manager
london, greater london, united kingdom

Sumit Patil Work Experience

    Assistant Manager
    London, Greater London, United Kingdom
    London, Greater London, United Kingdom

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sumit Patil

What company does Sumit Patil work for?

Sumit Patil works for Ey

What is Sumit Patil's role in his/her workplace?

Sumit Patil's role in his/her workplace is Assistant Manager.

Which industry does Sumit Patil work in currently?

Sumit Patil works in the industry Accounting.

Who are Sumit Patil's colleagues?

Sumit Patil's colleagues are Atsushi Iwasaki, Atsushi Iwasaki, Shoichi Murai, Shoichi Murai, Aymeric Bourland, Aymeric Bourland, Anne Rubia, Anne Rubia, Olof Ålenius, Olof Ålenius, and Dave Richkun. and Ankita Panda.

Who are Sumit Patil's peers at other companies?

Sumit Patil's peers at other companies are Nallil Mejía, Kimberly Hollencamp, Achinta Sarkar, Kássia Ferreira, Anuj Patni, and Blair Motl. and Mitesh Modi. Sumit Patil's peers at other companies are Nallil Mejía, Kimberly Hollencamp, Achinta Sarkar, Kássia Ferreira, Anuj Patni, and Blair Motl. and Mitesh Modi.