Burcu Uyhan

Burcu Uyhan Email and Phone Number

umraniye, istanbul, turkey

Burcu Uyhan's Current Company Details


Emlak Planlama İNşaat Proje Yöneti̇Mi̇ Ve Ti̇Caret A.Ş.

I Nsan Kaynakları
umraniye, istanbul, turkey

Burcu Uyhan Work Experience

Burcu Uyhan Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Burcu Uyhan

What company does Burcu Uyhan work for?

Burcu Uyhan works for Emlak Planlama İnşaat Proje Yöneti̇mi̇ Ve Ti̇caret A.ş.

What is Burcu Uyhan's role in his/her workplace?

Burcu Uyhan's role in his/her workplace is I Nsan Kaynakları.

Which industry does Burcu Uyhan work in currently?

Burcu Uyhan works in the industry Construction.

What schools did Burcu Uyhan attend?

Burcu Uyhan attended Yildiz Technical University, Yildiz Technical University. and Yildiz Technical University.

Who are Burcu Uyhan's colleagues?

Burcu Uyhan's colleagues are İbrahim Birinci, İbrahim Birinci, Resül Yeti̇m, Resül Yeti̇m, Ahmet Çelinli, Ahmet Çelinli, Muhammet Duman, Muhammet Duman, Emin Balekoğlu, Emin Balekoğlu, and Mustafa Demi̇r. and Suna Yıldız.

Who are Burcu Uyhan's peers at other companies?

Burcu Uyhan's peers at other companies are Sofia Tee, Rory Brodie, Jason Vadas, Stephen Formhals, Cynthia Born, and Erian Perez. and Raul Dominguez. Burcu Uyhan's peers at other companies are Sofia Tee, Rory Brodie, Jason Vadas, Stephen Formhals, Cynthia Born, and Erian Perez. and Raul Dominguez.