Bruno Barbosa Email and Phone Number
Bruno Barbosa's Current Company Details
Aliança Navegação E Logística
- Website:
- Employees:
- 845
- Industry:
- Maritime
Bruno Barbosa Work Experience
Bruno Barbosa Education
2012 - 2016
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What company does Bruno Barbosa work for?
Bruno Barbosa works for Aliança Navegação E Logística
What is Bruno Barbosa's role in his/her workplace?
Bruno Barbosa's role in his/her workplace is Export Documentation.
Which industry does Bruno Barbosa work in currently?
Bruno Barbosa works in the industry Maritime.
What schools did Bruno Barbosa attend?
Bruno Barbosa attended Faculdade De Tecnologia De São Paulo.
What is Bruno Barbosa's role in his workplace?
Bruno Barbosa has skills like Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel, Vendas, and Atendimento Ao Cliente.
Who are Bruno Barbosa's colleagues?
Bruno Barbosa's colleagues are Karina Aragão, Karina Aragão, Laís Nardes, Laís Nardes, Carolina Prediger, Carolina Prediger, Amanda Guedes, Amanda Guedes, Blenda Guerra, Blenda Guerra, and Gustavo Fernando. and Leice Silva.
Who are Bruno Barbosa's peers at other companies?
Bruno Barbosa's peers at other companies are Carrie Cooper-Grubbs, Abraham Dadi, Leonidas Kalogeras, Jorge Silva, Janice Yeo, and Dave Dilorenzo. and Khalil Azhari. Bruno Barbosa's peers at other companies are Carrie Cooper-Grubbs, Abraham Dadi, Leonidas Kalogeras, Jorge Silva, Janice Yeo, and Dave Dilorenzo. and Khalil Azhari.