Bruno Barbosa

Bruno Barbosa Email and Phone Number

Vendedor Técnico @ Âncora Sistemas De Fixação

Bruno Barbosa's Current Company Details

Âncora Sistemas De Fixação

Vendedor Técnico

Bruno Barbosa Work Experience

Bruno Barbosa Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Bruno Barbosa

What company does Bruno Barbosa work for?

Bruno Barbosa works for Âncora Sistemas De Fixação

What is Bruno Barbosa's role in his/her workplace?

Bruno Barbosa's role in his/her workplace is Vendedor Técnico.

Which industry does Bruno Barbosa work in currently?

Bruno Barbosa works in the industry Construction.

What schools did Bruno Barbosa attend?

Bruno Barbosa attended Universidade Castelo Branco.

What is Bruno Barbosa's role in his workplace?

Bruno Barbosa has skills like Vendas, Microsoft Excel, Atendimento Ao Cliente, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint, and Planejamento Empresarial.

Who are Bruno Barbosa's colleagues?

Bruno Barbosa's colleagues are J Adriano De Araújo, J Adriano De Araújo, Antonio Lino, Antonio Lino, Benilson Souza, Benilson Souza, Géssica Mendes, Géssica Mendes, Barbara Kahler, Barbara Kahler, and Lilian França. and Gleison Vieira.

Who are Bruno Barbosa's peers at other companies?

Bruno Barbosa's peers at other companies are Joost Huijgen, Steven Tough, Anna Parjaszewska, Michael Belley, Jacob Cobb, and Konrad Wronka. and Cleofe Rodil. Bruno Barbosa's peers at other companies are Joost Huijgen, Steven Tough, Anna Parjaszewska, Michael Belley, Jacob Cobb, and Konrad Wronka. and Cleofe Rodil.