Brian Covington

Brian Covington Email and Phone Number

denver, colorado, united states

Brian Covington's Contact Details

Brian Covington work email

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Brian Covington phone numbers

Brian Covington's Current Company Details

Protocast Inc Dba Prototype Casting, Inc.

denver, colorado, united states
Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering
Proto Cast is dedicated to providing the sheet metal stamping industry with the highest quality Zinc Alloy Tools for Prototype. Proto Cast's commitment is to bring your design to prototype in the minimum time with the minimum cost. Attitude, experience, and technology form a partnership at Proto Cast that has been serving industry for over forty-five years. Advanced Tool Design, Foam Pattern Build, Zinc Alloy (Kirksite) Castings, and complete CNC machining are all provided at our facility

Brian Covington Work Experience

    Vice President
    Denver, Colorado, United States
    * Quoting, provide customers with fast electronic pricing, review provided CAD to determine cost. * Program Management, follow each job though the prototype process while providing transparent updates to the customer. * Engineering tool design, provide knowledge of tooling design while working with the customer to develop an economical and functional tool. * Accounting, develop and prepare all financial statements, purchase orders and invoices. * Human Resources, manage health benefits, 401k benefits, payroll, and day to day issues.

Brian Covington Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Brian Covington

What company does Brian Covington work for?

Brian Covington works for Protocast Inc Dba Prototype Casting, Inc.

What is Brian Covington's role in his/her workplace?

Brian Covington's role in his/her workplace is President.

Which industry does Brian Covington work in currently?

Brian Covington works in the industry Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering.

What is Brian Covington's email address?

Brian Covington's email address is

What is Brian Covington's direct phone number?

Brian Covington's direct phone number is +13135655400

What schools did Brian Covington attend?

Brian Covington attended Michigan State University.

What are some of Brian Covington's interests?

Brian Covington has interest in Family.

Who are Brian Covington's colleagues?

Brian Covington's colleagues are and Adam Covington. and Jamie Madding.

Who are Brian Covington's peers at other companies?

Brian Covington's peers at other companies are Zoran Mitić, Jake Armstrong, Suri Chhiba, Andressa Costa, Jonathan Ward, and Isabella Mosberger. and Jane Ma. Brian Covington's peers at other companies are Zoran Mitić, Jake Armstrong, Suri Chhiba, Andressa Costa, Jonathan Ward, and Isabella Mosberger. and Jane Ma.