Brian Travers

Brian Travers Email and Phone Number

Warehouse Maintenance @ Memphis Light, Gas And Water (mlgw)
memphis, tennessee, united states

Brian Travers's Contact Information

Brian Travers work email

Brian Travers personal email


Brian Travers's Current Company Details

Memphis Light, Gas And Water (Mlgw)

Warehouse Maintenance
memphis, tennessee, united states

Brian Travers Work Experience

    Warehouse Maintenance
    Memphis, Tennessee, United States
    Memphis Light, Gas and Water is the nation's largest three-service municipal utility, serving nearly 430,000 customers. Since 1939, MLGW has met the utility needs of Memphis and Shelby County residents by delivering reliable and affordable electricity, natural gas and water service.Electricity is supplied to MLGW by the Tennessee Valley Authority, while natural gas is purchased from a variety of suppliers and transported by three pipeline companies — Texas Gas Transmission Corporation, Trunkline Gas Company and ANR Pipeline Company. Memphis receives its water from one of the largest artesian water systems in the world. MLGW is led by a president and a five-member board of commissioners who are appointed by the mayor of Memphis and approved by the Memphis City Council.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Brian Travers

What company does Brian Travers work for?

Brian Travers works for Memphis Light, Gas And Water (Mlgw)

What is Brian Travers's role in his/her workplace?

Brian Travers's role in his/her workplace is Warehouse Maintenance.

Which industry does Brian Travers work in currently?

Brian Travers works in the industry Utilities.

What is Brian Travers's email address?

Brian Travers's email address is

Who are Brian Travers's colleagues?

Brian Travers's colleagues are Avis Crutchfield, Avis Crutchfield, Kimberly Houston, Kimberly Houston, James Pirtle, James Pirtle, Treccer Sims, Treccer Sims, Brenda Thurman, Brenda Thurman, and Carlos Bee. and Carey Edwards.

Who are Brian Travers's peers at other companies?

Brian Travers's peers at other companies are Victor Solomonean, Hanna Jenkins, Fabio Tarallo, Cellena Belama, Mark Reimer, and Edgar Cocula. and Brian Delvecchio. Brian Travers's peers at other companies are Victor Solomonean, Hanna Jenkins, Fabio Tarallo, Cellena Belama, Mark Reimer, and Edgar Cocula. and Brian Delvecchio.