Brenda Dubia

Brenda Dubia Email and Phone Number

portland, oregon, united states

Brenda Dubia's Contact Details

Brenda Dubia personal email


Brenda Dubia's Current Company Details

Pcc Structurals, Inc.

portland, oregon, united states
Aviation & Aerospace

Brenda Dubia Work Experience

    Portland, Oregon, United States
    PCC Structurals, Inc. is a division of Precision Castparts which is a thriving Fortune 500 company located in Portland, OR. We exercise a single-minded focus on people, profit, and performance. PCC Structurals specializes in nickel-based superalloy, titanium, stainless steel, and aluminum investment castings for aerospace, land-based turbine, medical, military armament, and many other applications. Our division's emphasis on high-quality, low-cost, and timely delivery has enabled it to become the leading supplier of structural investment castings worldwide.Headquartered in Portland, Oregon, PCC Structurals operates 11 facilities in the United States including Oregon, Nevada, California, Utah, Connecticut, New Hampshire as well as a facility in France. We are committed to providing customers with industry-leading products and high-quality service.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Brenda Dubia

What company does Brenda Dubia work for?

Brenda Dubia works for Pcc Structurals, Inc.

What is Brenda Dubia's role in his/her workplace?

Brenda Dubia's role in his/her workplace is Assembler.

Which industry does Brenda Dubia work in currently?

Brenda Dubia works in the industry Aviation & Aerospace.

What is Brenda Dubia's email address?

Brenda Dubia's email address is

Who are Brenda Dubia's colleagues?

Brenda Dubia's colleagues are Ewan Bradley, Ewan Bradley, Larry Kern, Larry Kern, Ramiz Kadic, Ramiz Kadic, Ross Lienhart, Ross Lienhart, Evelin Ernie, Evelin Ernie, and Carlos Menzor. and Maravilla Gerardo.

Who are Brenda Dubia's peers at other companies?

Brenda Dubia's peers at other companies are Dan Heric, Moira Bruce, Margaret Pincomb, Ruchard Adams, Stefano Nicolucci, and Linzi Dair. and Millicent Henga. Brenda Dubia's peers at other companies are Dan Heric, Moira Bruce, Margaret Pincomb, Ruchard Adams, Stefano Nicolucci, and Linzi Dair. and Millicent Henga.