Brandon Barnes

Brandon Barnes Email and Phone Number

Retail Manager @ The T Shack

Brandon Barnes's Current Company Details

The T Shack

Retail Manager

Brandon Barnes Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Brandon Barnes

What company does Brandon Barnes work for?

Brandon Barnes works for The T Shack

What is Brandon Barnes's role in his/her workplace?

Brandon Barnes's role in his/her workplace is Retail Manager.

Which industry does Brandon Barnes work in currently?

Brandon Barnes works in the industry Retail.

Who are Brandon Barnes's colleagues?

Brandon Barnes's colleagues are Tiffany Viray, Tiffany Viray, Sharina Black, Sharina Black, Angie Frost, Angie Frost, Charles Mank, Charles Mank, and Daniel Dummer. and Jan Mank.

Who are Brandon Barnes's peers at other companies?

Brandon Barnes's peers at other companies are Danny Nguyen, Carter Van Zanten, Rosana Cimarolli, Hanin Mutaschar, Dean Castle, and Manoj Murugesan. and Lyndale Woodland. Brandon Barnes's peers at other companies are Danny Nguyen, Carter Van Zanten, Rosana Cimarolli, Hanin Mutaschar, Dean Castle, and Manoj Murugesan. and Lyndale Woodland.