Blauth Christophe

Blauth Christophe Email and Phone Number

Superviseur Tpm @ Cosucra Groupe Warcoing Sa
warcoing, hainaut province, belgium

Blauth Christophe's Current Company Details

Cosucra Groupe Warcoing Sa

Superviseur Tpm
warcoing, hainaut province, belgium
Food Production

Blauth Christophe Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Blauth Christophe

What company does Blauth Christophe work for?

Blauth Christophe works for Cosucra Groupe Warcoing Sa

What is Blauth Christophe's role in his/her workplace?

Blauth Christophe's role in his/her workplace is Superviseur Tpm.

Which industry does Blauth Christophe work in currently?

Blauth Christophe works in the industry Food Production.

Who are Blauth Christophe's colleagues?

Blauth Christophe's colleagues are Julie Pihen, Julie Pihen, Mary Descamps, Mary Descamps, Jonathan Willocq, Jonathan Willocq, Estelle Henry, Estelle Henry, Elodie Seynhaeve, Elodie Seynhaeve, and Pauline Beguin. and Houdez Laurent.

Who are Blauth Christophe's peers at other companies?

Blauth Christophe's peers at other companies are Yan Miric, Ferenc Jánossy, Colin Mawdsley, Antoinette Moore, Mariano Miramontes, and Leroy Neilson. and Vladimir Ulanovskiy. Blauth Christophe's peers at other companies are Yan Miric, Ferenc Jánossy, Colin Mawdsley, Antoinette Moore, Mariano Miramontes, and Leroy Neilson. and Vladimir Ulanovskiy.