Bert Back Email and Phone Number
Bert Back's Contact Details
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Bert Back's Current Company Details

Eclectisch Centrum Bert Back--Atlantis Academie-Atlantis Reizen--Soul-Counselling
Bert Back Work Experience
Eigenaar-LeraarAtlantis Academie End date missing
Chief Executive Officer Eclectisch Centrum Bert Back En Atlantis AcademieEclectisch Centrum Bert Back End date missing
Chief Executive OfficerEclectisch Centrum Bert Back--Atlantis Academie-Atlantis Reizen--Soul-Counselling Dec 08 - Present · 16 yrs 2 mosMijn missie is het helpen van mensen met het bewust worden van en het vormgeven aan het werkelijke doel van hun leven. En ze daarbij te inspireren om zichzelf ten volle te kunnen manifesteren in het Leven. Zowel op persoonlijk, spiritueel en zakelijk vlak.
Medium BertMedium Bert End date missingBreda, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands* Medium, Paragnost & Eclectisch Therapeutisch Medium * Consulten * Cursussen & Workshops * Paranormale avonden(Spontane waarnemingen) * Lezingen * Maker & uitgever meditatie/healings cd's * Coaching & Training
Spiritueel CoachMobitaiment End date missingfaciliteert tv programma en spiritueel advieslijn Dit Is mijn Toekomst. Wordt uitgezonden op RTL4 en RTL5
Medium And Eclectisch Therapeutisch MediumPraktijk Reiki Breda End date missing* Medium, Medium Therapeut en Eclectisch Therapeut, * Coach * Praktijk Reiki Breda * PRB Consulting
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Start your free trialFrequently Asked Questions about Bert Back
What company does Bert Back work for?
Bert Back works for Eclectisch Centrum Bert Back--Atlantis Academie-Atlantis Reizen--Soul-Counselling
What is Bert Back's role in his/her workplace?
Bert Back's role in his/her workplace is Chief Executive Officer.
What is Bert Back's direct phone number?
Bert Back's direct phone number is +31641155541
What is Bert Back's role in his workplace?
Bert Back has skills like Mediumship, Therapeutic Areas, Therapeutic Listening, Family Therapy, Speech Therapy, Therapeutic Communication, Energy Healing, Spiritual Counselor, Spiritual Teacher, Paragnost, Psychic Readings, Job Coaching, Business Coaching, Lifestyle Coaching, Life Coaching, Personal Development, Personal Training, Stress Management, Transformational Life Coaching, Training, Healing, Eclectische Therapie, Transformatie Therapie, Regressie Therapie, and Re Incarnatie Therapie.