Beate Goldschmidt's Contact Information
Beate Goldschmidt personal email
- Valid
Beate Goldschmidt's Current Company Details
Habitat H2O Diving
- Website:
- Employees:
- 1
- Industry:
- Animation
Ich bin seit 15 Jahren Tauchlehrerin . Im Moment akitiv als Tauchguide und Tauchlehrerin auf Bali. Davor 7 Jahre in Kroatien Mitinhaberin des Tauchertreffs in Punat KRK. Specialties: Tauchguide , mit individueller Betreuung fuer Fotographen, Filmer oder auch Beginner.
Beate Goldschmidt Work Experience
Diving InstructorTauchertreff Punat Mar 93 - Oct 00 · 7 yrs 7 mos
Manager And Diving InstructorHabitat H2O Diving End date missingIndonesiaDiving In Bali Indonesia
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Access emails and phone numbers of over 750 million business users. Instantly download verified profiles using 20+ filters, including location, job title, company, function, and industry.
Start your free trialFrequently Asked Questions about Beate Goldschmidt
What company does Beate Goldschmidt work for?
Beate Goldschmidt works for Habitat H2o Diving
What is Beate Goldschmidt's role in his/her workplace?
Beate Goldschmidt's role in his/her workplace is Owner.
Which industry does Beate Goldschmidt work in currently?
Beate Goldschmidt works in the industry Animation.
What is Beate Goldschmidt's email address?
Beate Goldschmidt's email address is