Barry Simmons

Barry Simmons Email and Phone Number

Bromley Common, Greater London, United @ Barons Voice & Data Ltd

Barry Simmons's Contact Details

Barry Simmons work email

Barry Simmons personal email


Barry Simmons's Current Company Details

Barons Voice & Data Ltd

Bromley Common, Greater London, United
Computer Networking
In 1992 I formed Barons Engineering Services Ltd, within 2 years the company had won major contracts including the Royal Brompton Hospital and the Royal Marsden Hospital. By 2000 I found myself running a successful business and was looking for other opportunities within the industry. After being asked to project manage a structured cabling upgrade of a hospital in 2001, I discovered that there was a shortage of companies specialising in the installation of voice and data cables in the London area, so I set up Barons Voice and Data Ltd. Together the two companies built an impressive client base. Priding ourselves on our quality of service to the client.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Barry Simmons

What company does Barry Simmons work for?

Barry Simmons works for Barons Voice & Data Ltd

What is Barry Simmons's role in his/her workplace?

Barry Simmons's role in his/her workplace is Bromley Common, Greater London, United.

Which industry does Barry Simmons work in currently?

Barry Simmons works in the industry Computer Networking.

What is Barry Simmons's email address?

Barry Simmons's email address is