Barbara O'day

Barbara O'day Email and Phone Number

Senior Accountant - Compensation @ Media Capital

Barbara O'day's Current Company Details

Media Capital

Senior Accountant - Compensation
Broadcast Media

Barbara O'day Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Barbara O'day

What company does Barbara O'day work for?

Barbara O'day works for Media Capital

What is Barbara O'day's role in his/her workplace?

Barbara O'day's role in his/her workplace is Senior Accountant - Compensation.

Which industry does Barbara O'day work in currently?

Barbara O'day works in the industry Broadcast Media.

Who are Barbara O'day's colleagues?

Barbara O'day's colleagues are Paula Lopes, Paula Lopes, Sandra Antunes, Sandra Antunes, Gonçalo Almeida, Gonçalo Almeida, Cindy Pollard, Cindy Pollard, André Victor, André Victor, and Jerry Agustin. and Alice Alves.

Who are Barbara O'day's peers at other companies?

Barbara O'day's peers at other companies are Ahmad Luqman, Rafael Acosta, Adam Hegarty, Danielle Zwart, Raghunandan Rao, and Sanford Cohen. and Mike Heiskanen. Barbara O'day's peers at other companies are Ahmad Luqman, Rafael Acosta, Adam Hegarty, Danielle Zwart, Raghunandan Rao, and Sanford Cohen. and Mike Heiskanen.