Babacar Niang

Babacar Niang Email and Phone Number

Directeur Financier Et Comptable @ Port Autonome De Dakar Sénégal
dakar, dakar, senegal

Babacar Niang's Current Company Details

Port Autonome De Dakar Sénégal

Directeur Financier Et Comptable
dakar, dakar, senegal
Civil Engineering
Chef de la Division Gestion Comptable chez PAD

Babacar Niang Work Experience

    Chef Comptable
    Directeur Administratif Et Financier Chez Poultrade
    Poultrade Dec 14 - Nov 16 · 1 yr 11 mos
    Chef De La Division Gestion Comptable
    Societe Nationale Du Port Autonome De Dakar End date missing
    Directeur Financier Et Comptable
    Port Autonome De Dakar Sénégal Feb 18 - Present · 7 yrs
    Dakar, Senegal

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Frequently Asked Questions about Babacar Niang

What company does Babacar Niang work for?

Babacar Niang works for Port Autonome De Dakar Sénégal

What is Babacar Niang's role in his/her workplace?

Babacar Niang's role in his/her workplace is Directeur Financier Et Comptable.

Which industry does Babacar Niang work in currently?

Babacar Niang works in the industry Civil Engineering.

Who are Babacar Niang's colleagues?

Babacar Niang's colleagues are Mayoro Diallo, Mayoro Diallo, Moussa Ly, Moussa Ly, Yaya Diallo, Yaya Diallo, Djizza Barry, Djizza Barry, Amadou Ndiaye, Amadou Ndiaye, and Marie Yade. and Cheikhou Diop.

Who are Babacar Niang's peers at other companies?

Babacar Niang's peers at other companies are Ernesto Miranda, Nathan Shetler, John Pendlebury, Jason Garber, Marie Lemire, and Tord Bjørnevik. and Elad Rozin. Babacar Niang's peers at other companies are Ernesto Miranda, Nathan Shetler, John Pendlebury, Jason Garber, Marie Lemire, and Tord Bjørnevik. and Elad Rozin.