Ayten Koca

Ayten Koca Email and Phone Number

Project Operations Coordinator And Proje Operasyonlar Koordinatörü @ Sabancı University Executive Development Unit (edu)

Ayten Koca's Contact Information

Ayten Koca personal email


Ayten Koca's Current Company Details


Sabancı University Executive Development Unit (Edu)

Project Operations Coordinator And Proje Operasyonlar Koordinatörü
Education Management
Customer Relations and Operations Coordinator at Sabancı University Executive Development Unit

Ayten Koca Work Experience

Ayten Koca Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Ayten Koca

What company does Ayten Koca work for?

Ayten Koca works for Sabancı University Executive Development Unit (Edu)

What is Ayten Koca's role in his/her workplace?

Ayten Koca's role in his/her workplace is Project Operations Coordinator And Proje Operasyonlar Koordinatörü.

Which industry does Ayten Koca work in currently?

Ayten Koca works in the industry Education Management.

What is Ayten Koca's email address?

Ayten Koca's email address is ayten.koca@sabanciuniv.edu

What schools did Ayten Koca attend?

Ayten Koca attended Anadolu University.

Who are Ayten Koca's colleagues?

Ayten Koca's colleagues are Devrim Gozuacik, Devrim Gozuacik, Onur Benli, Onur Benli, Melek Sarı, Melek Sarı, Hasan Özkaya, Hasan Özkaya, Alpay Taralp, Alpay Taralp, and Ahmet Öncü. and Zeynep Karavelioğlu.

Who are Ayten Koca's peers at other companies?

Ayten Koca's peers at other companies are Renanto Handogo, Gautam Deb, Colleen Flynn, Jenna Covington, Joann Wright, and Lilit Ovsepian. and Trevor Matthews. Ayten Koca's peers at other companies are Renanto Handogo, Gautam Deb, Colleen Flynn, Jenna Covington, Joann Wright, and Lilit Ovsepian. and Trevor Matthews.