Aysenur Yashar

Aysenur Yashar Email and Phone Number

rumelifeneri, istanbul, turkey

Aysenur Yashar's Current Company Details

Koç University School Of Medicine

Medical Student
rumelifeneri, istanbul, turkey
Hospital & Health Care

Aysenur Yashar Work Experience

Aysenur Yashar Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Aysenur Yashar

What company does Aysenur Yashar work for?

Aysenur Yashar works for Koç University School Of Medicine

What is Aysenur Yashar's role in his/her workplace?

Aysenur Yashar's role in his/her workplace is Medical Student.

Which industry does Aysenur Yashar work in currently?

Aysenur Yashar works in the industry Hospital & Health Care.

What schools did Aysenur Yashar attend?

Aysenur Yashar attended Tasis The American School In England.

Who are Aysenur Yashar's peers at other companies?

Aysenur Yashar's peers at other companies are Kim Wilbert, Andrea Fros, Karen Hewson, Kendall Farnsworth, Kimberley M, and Bridie Cloherty. and Mary Turner-Lewis. Aysenur Yashar's peers at other companies are Kim Wilbert, Andrea Fros, Karen Hewson, Kendall Farnsworth, Kimberley M, and Bridie Cloherty. and Mary Turner-Lewis.