Aya Goda

Aya Goda Email and Phone Number

Senior Civil Engineer @ Almarasem
cairo, al qahirah, egypt

Aya Goda's Current Company Details



Senior Civil Engineer
cairo, al qahirah, egypt
Real Estate

Aya Goda Work Experience

  • almarasemdevelopment.com
    Civil Engineer
    Almarasem End date missing
    Cairo, Egypt

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Frequently Asked Questions about Aya Goda

What company does Aya Goda work for?

Aya Goda works for Almarasem

What is Aya Goda's role in his/her workplace?

Aya Goda's role in his/her workplace is Senior Civil Engineer.

Which industry does Aya Goda work in currently?

Aya Goda works in the industry Real Estate.

Who are Aya Goda's colleagues?

Aya Goda's colleagues are Ahmed Shaheen, Ahmed Shaheen, Hussein Shawky, Hussein Shawky, Sarah Kamel, Sarah Kamel, Taha Gomaa, Taha Gomaa, Sherif Kamal, Sherif Kamal, and Khaled Hazem. and Mohammad M.

Who are Aya Goda's peers at other companies?

Aya Goda's peers at other companies are Thies Baucke, Orville Riley, Michael Hobbs, Michelle Sirois, Yogesh Yogi, and Swandy Purba. and Andrew Brentnall. Aya Goda's peers at other companies are Thies Baucke, Orville Riley, Michael Hobbs, Michelle Sirois, Yogesh Yogi, and Swandy Purba. and Andrew Brentnall.