Atul Agarwal

Atul Agarwal Email and Phone Number

General Manager Human Resources @ Bindal Iron And Steel Company - India
hyderābād, telangana, india

Atul Agarwal's Current Company Details

Bindal Iron And Steel Company - India

General Manager Human Resources
hyderābād, telangana, india

Atul Agarwal Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Atul Agarwal

What company does Atul Agarwal work for?

Atul Agarwal works for Bindal Iron And Steel Company - India

What is Atul Agarwal's role in his/her workplace?

Atul Agarwal's role in his/her workplace is General Manager Human Resources.

Which industry does Atul Agarwal work in currently?

Atul Agarwal works in the industry Construction.

Who are Atul Agarwal's colleagues?

Atul Agarwal's colleagues are and Abhay Dubey. and Harish Kumar.

Who are Atul Agarwal's peers at other companies?

Atul Agarwal's peers at other companies are Sakib Sk, Lisa Heathcock, Aya Abdo, Chaitanya Pgp-Qscm, Mark Hillary, and Robert Ruffer. and Alicia Zubirats. Atul Agarwal's peers at other companies are Sakib Sk, Lisa Heathcock, Aya Abdo, Chaitanya Pgp-Qscm, Mark Hillary, and Robert Ruffer. and Alicia Zubirats.