Ati Ghati

Ati Ghati Email and Phone Number

bilbao, basque country, spain

Ati Ghati's Contact Details

Ati Ghati work email

Ati Ghati personal email


Ati Ghati's Current Company Details

Bikar Juntas Y Compensadores S.L.

bilbao, basque country, spain
Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering

Ati Ghati Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Ati Ghati

What company does Ati Ghati work for?

Ati Ghati works for Bikar Juntas Y Compensadores S.l.

What is Ati Ghati's role in his/her workplace?

Ati Ghati's role in his/her workplace is Big.

Which industry does Ati Ghati work in currently?

Ati Ghati works in the industry Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering.

What is Ati Ghati's email address?

Ati Ghati's email address is

Who are Ati Ghati's colleagues?

Ati Ghati's colleagues are Alireza Barzegaran, Alireza Barzegaran, Mahdi Shavandi, Mahdi Shavandi, Farideh Lotfy, Farideh Lotfy, Ali Shafaeenodeh, Ali Shafaeenodeh, Ali Safay, Ali Safay, and Zahra Ali. and Akbar Suleymanoglu.

Who are Ati Ghati's peers at other companies?

Ati Ghati's peers at other companies are Eder Huarcaya, Gérard Giralt, Dewiana Lee, Julian Castaño, Firdaus Asa'adudin, and Fernando Lueje. and Rosario Cori. Ati Ghati's peers at other companies are Eder Huarcaya, Gérard Giralt, Dewiana Lee, Julian Castaño, Firdaus Asa'adudin, and Fernando Lueje. and Rosario Cori.