Asad Qazi

Asad Qazi Email and Phone Number

lahore, punjab, pakistan

Asad Qazi's Current Company Details

Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital And Research Centre

lahore, punjab, pakistan
Hospital & Health Care

Asad Qazi Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Asad Qazi

What company does Asad Qazi work for?

Asad Qazi works for Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital And Research Centre

What is Asad Qazi's role in his/her workplace?

Asad Qazi's role in his/her workplace is Administrator.

Which industry does Asad Qazi work in currently?

Asad Qazi works in the industry Hospital & Health Care.

Who are Asad Qazi's colleagues?

Asad Qazi's colleagues are Moiz Ali, Moiz Ali, Madiha Kanwal, Madiha Kanwal, Naqqash Haider, Naqqash Haider, Munazza Irfan, Munazza Irfan, Sana Nawab, Sana Nawab, and Umair Pansota. and Hamza Saif.

Who are Asad Qazi's peers at other companies?

Asad Qazi's peers at other companies are Ashley Schamberg, Tia Correia, Erick Funte, Dave Brault, Lynnette Dowell, and Barry Walsh. and Soye Bekeangama. Asad Qazi's peers at other companies are Ashley Schamberg, Tia Correia, Erick Funte, Dave Brault, Lynnette Dowell, and Barry Walsh. and Soye Bekeangama.