Asad Qazi

Asad Qazi Email and Phone Number

Chairman @ Qazi Welfare Organization

Asad Qazi's Contact Details

Asad Qazi personal email

Asad Qazi's Current Company Details

Qazi Welfare Organization


Asad Qazi Work Experience

  • Chairman
    Qazi Welfare Organization ['2009-01-01', 'Present']

Asad Qazi Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Asad Qazi

What company does Asad Qazi work for?

Asad Qazi works for Qazi Welfare Organization

What is Asad Qazi's role in his/her workplace?

Asad Qazi's role in his/her workplace is Chairman.

What is Asad Qazi's email address?

Asad Qazi's email address is

What schools did Asad Qazi attend?

Asad Qazi attended University Of Peshawar.

What are some of Asad Qazi's interests?

Asad Qazi has interests in Social Services, Social Services. Economic Empowerment, Economic Empowerment. Education, Education. Animal Welfare, Animal Welfare. and Arts And Culture.