Asad Qazi

Asad Qazi Email and Phone Number

Employer @ Frieslandcampina
amersfoort, utrecht, netherlands

Asad Qazi's Current Company Details


amersfoort, utrecht, netherlands

Asad Qazi Work Experience

    Frieslandcampina Apr 15 - Present · 9 yrs 10 mos
    Amersfoort, Utrecht, Netherlands

Asad Qazi Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Asad Qazi

What company does Asad Qazi work for?

Asad Qazi works for Frieslandcampina

What is Asad Qazi's role in his/her workplace?

Asad Qazi's role in his/her workplace is Employer.

Which industry does Asad Qazi work in currently?

Asad Qazi works in the industry Dairy.

What schools did Asad Qazi attend?

Asad Qazi attended Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur.

Who are Asad Qazi's colleagues?

Asad Qazi's colleagues are Olawale Olagunju, Olawale Olagunju, Christa Robbe, Christa Robbe, Salami Adeshola, Salami Adeshola, Sabir Amin, Sabir Amin, Benjamin Ejituru, Benjamin Ejituru, and Danizinha Santos. and Jaap Wesselius.

Who are Asad Qazi's peers at other companies?

Asad Qazi's peers at other companies are Jesús Pérez, Helene Sundborger, Emiel Kuis, Jaime Aviles, Jodie Coales, and Bill Howard. and Ramdevsinh Mwd. Asad Qazi's peers at other companies are Jesús Pérez, Helene Sundborger, Emiel Kuis, Jaime Aviles, Jodie Coales, and Bill Howard. and Ramdevsinh Mwd.