Arfan Ali

Arfan Ali Email and Phone Number

Vechiel Tech @ Assystem
paris, île-de-france, france

Arfan Ali's Current Company Details


Vechiel Tech
paris, île-de-france, france
Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering

Arfan Ali Work Experience

    Vechiel Tech
    Courbevoie, Ile-De-France, France

Frequently Asked Questions about Arfan Ali

What company does Arfan Ali work for?

Arfan Ali works for Assystem

What is Arfan Ali's role in his/her workplace?

Arfan Ali's role in his/her workplace is Vechiel Tech.

Which industry does Arfan Ali work in currently?

Arfan Ali works in the industry Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering.

Who are Arfan Ali's colleagues?

Arfan Ali's colleagues are Octavian Carstea, Octavian Carstea, Guy Bernat, Guy Bernat, Hervé Pochet, Hervé Pochet, Elodie Carsalade, Elodie Carsalade, Sylvain Waton, Sylvain Waton, and Mr Ouis. and Philippe Helaine.

Who are Arfan Ali's peers at other companies?

Arfan Ali's peers at other companies are Dewiana Lee, Firdaus Asa'adudin, Christina Cioppia, Fernando Lueje, Julian Castaño, and Lalit Thorat. and Rosario Cori. Arfan Ali's peers at other companies are Dewiana Lee, Firdaus Asa'adudin, Christina Cioppia, Fernando Lueje, Julian Castaño, and Lalit Thorat. and Rosario Cori.