Arfan Ali

Arfan Ali Email and Phone Number

Network Engineer @ Colony Textile Mills Ltd.
lahore, punjab, pakistan

Arfan Ali's Current Company Details

Colony Textile Mills Ltd.

Network Engineer
lahore, punjab, pakistan

Arfan Ali Work Experience

Frequently Asked Questions about Arfan Ali

What company does Arfan Ali work for?

Arfan Ali works for Colony Textile Mills Ltd.

What is Arfan Ali's role in his/her workplace?

Arfan Ali's role in his/her workplace is Network Engineer.

Which industry does Arfan Ali work in currently?

Arfan Ali works in the industry Textiles.

What is Arfan Ali's role in his workplace?

Arfan Ali has skills like Microsoft Office, Customer Service, Microsoft Excel, Management, Troubleshooting, Project Management, Windows, Strategic Planning, Networking, and Microsoft Word.

Who are Arfan Ali's colleagues?

Arfan Ali's colleagues are Mazhar Abbas, Mazhar Abbas, Siddiq Raza, Siddiq Raza, Muhammad Asghar, Muhammad Asghar, Abdul Qayum, Abdul Qayum, Samar Rafiq, Samar Rafiq, and Shams-Ud-Din Khan. and Yasir Naeem.

Who are Arfan Ali's peers at other companies?

Arfan Ali's peers at other companies are Sherif Ali, Nelson Williams, Shyamlal Hembrm, Jon Smith, Liyakat Ali, and Aysegül Durnacı. and Matthias Gebhardt. Arfan Ali's peers at other companies are Sherif Ali, Nelson Williams, Shyamlal Hembrm, Jon Smith, Liyakat Ali, and Aysegül Durnacı. and Matthias Gebhardt.