Apipawat Nonsea

Apipawat Nonsea Email and Phone Number

Country Manager @ Gc Asia Dental Pte Ltd

Apipawat Nonsea's Contact Details

Apipawat Nonsea work email

Apipawat Nonsea personal email


Apipawat Nonsea's Current Company Details


Gc Asia Dental Pte Ltd

Country Manager
Medical Devices

Apipawat Nonsea Work Experience

  • gcasiadental.com
    Country Manager
    Gc Asia Dental Pte Ltd Oct 21 - Present · 3 yrs 4 mos
  • gcasiadental.com
    Bussiness Unit Manager
    Henry Schein Aug 15 - Sep 16 · 1 yr 1 mo
    Melville, New York, United States
    Business Unit Manager of Accord Corporation Limited (Thailand) A Henry Schein Company. Fully responsibility for assigned business unit, including profitability, product management, budgeting and business unit operations. This extends from increasing the profitability of existing products in Digital Dentistry and sourcing new CAD/CAM products for this business unit. Create project made-to-order packages within CAD/CAM product lines for customers on controllable profit based. Responsibilities include training employees; planning assigning and directing work, appraising performance, addressing customer complaints and resolving problems.
  • gcasiadental.com
    Business Development Manager Clinical Thailand
    Ivoclar Vivadent Ag Oct 16 - Nov 17 · 1 yr 1 mo
    Business Development Manager – Thailand Ivoclar Vivadent South East Asia Company. Responsibility for Clinical business in Thailand. Implementation of business strategies as well as assuring the determined targets are achieved to expand the market share of the company group in the respective market. Managing and plan to achieving business targets according to monthly, quarterly and annual budgets Planning and implementation of strategic programs and special campaigns in co-operation with marketing, sales support, and external contacts for support the assigned dealers to achieve their respective sales targets. Observation and reporting of competitors activities and evaluation of market potential. Managing and providing up to date product training to the dealer sales force.
  • gcasiadental.com
    Sales Representative
    Motan Pte Jan 08 - Oct 09 · 1 yr 9 mos
    Sales Representative of Motan Pte Ltd. Maximize the sales of a company's goods or services in many different settings. My role helps to ensure the commercial success of a diverse range of companies in Thailand and overseas markets. Ensure that each customer receives outstanding service by providing a friendly environment, which includes greeting and acknowledging every customer, maintaining product knowledge and all other aspects of customer service.
  • gcasiadental.com
    Sales Executive - Prosthetics Dental Lab
    Dentsply Thailand Nov 09 - Aug 15 · 5 yrs 9 mos
    Department Sales Executive of a multinational company in Dentsply (Thailand) Limited. Management and sale motivation to sale representative for achieve team target. Find out access for target achievement. Support sale representative for selling company’s products, outstanding service, Analyze competitive product offerings in terms of features and benefits as well as price points. Estimate sales forecast and control budget year per year. Maintain the good relationship with dentists and Dental Labs. Update product knowledge and new product to dentists and Dental Labs. Analyze and improve method for increase circulation.
  • gcasiadental.com
    Department Supervisor
    Kawasumi Laboratories Company Nov 06 - Jan 08 · 1 yr 2 mos
    Department Supervisor of Kawasumi laboratories (Thailand) company. Control production lines of medical device, both of plastic injection molded components and unit assembly. The products are mainly exported worldwide and domestically marketed as well. Wide range of experiences in quality system control, production plan control, raw material supply and inventory control, production technical supporting and control, in-process quality assurance, product and process development, problem solving and analysis, etc…
  • gcasiadental.com
    Business Development Manager Clinical And Technical Thailand
    Ivoclar Vivadent Ag Nov 17 - May 18 · 6 mos
    Business Development Manager – Thailand Ivoclar Vivadent South East Asia Company. Responsibility for Clinical and Technical Dental business in Thailand. Implementation of business strategies as well as assuring the determined targets are achieved to expand the market share of the company group in the respective market. Managing and plan to achieving business targets according to monthly, quarterly and annual budgets Planning and implementation of strategic programs and special campaigns in co-operation with marketing, sales support, and external contacts for support the assigned dealers to achieve their respective sales targets. Observation and reporting of competitors activities and evaluation of market potential. Managing and providing up to date product training to the dealer sales force.
  • gcasiadental.com
    Sales Supervisor Prosthetic Business
    Dentsply Sirona May 18 - Sep 21 · 3 yrs 4 mos
    Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
    Sales Supervisor Prosthetic – Thailand Dentsply Sirona (Thailand) Co.,Ltd Dental Prosthetic business in Thailand. Implementation of business strategies as well as assuring the determined targets are achieved to expand the market share of the company group in the respective market. Managing and plan to achieving business targets according to monthly, quarterly and annual budgets Planning and implementation of strategic programs, new product development and special campaigns in co-operation with marketing, sales support, external contacts for support the assigned sales force and dealers to achieve their respective sales targets. Observation and reporting of competitors activities and evaluation of market potential. Managing and providing up to date product training to the dealer and sales force.

Apipawat Nonsea Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Apipawat Nonsea

What company does Apipawat Nonsea work for?

Apipawat Nonsea works for Gc Asia Dental Pte Ltd

What is Apipawat Nonsea's role in his/her workplace?

Apipawat Nonsea's role in his/her workplace is Country Manager.

Which industry does Apipawat Nonsea work in currently?

Apipawat Nonsea works in the industry Medical Devices.

What is Apipawat Nonsea's email address?

Apipawat Nonsea's email address is apipawat.nonsea@dentsplysirona.com

What schools did Apipawat Nonsea attend?

Apipawat Nonsea attended Silpakorn University, Silpakorn University. and Pibulwittayalai School.

What is Apipawat Nonsea's role in his/her workplace?

Apipawat Nonsea has skills like Medical Devices, Sales, Forecasting, Training, Sales Management, Sales Effectiveness, Problem Solving, and Product Development.

Who are Apipawat Nonsea's colleagues?

Apipawat Nonsea's colleagues are Trish Hogan, Trish Hogan, Veron Koh, Veron Koh, and Venki Murthy. and Ainslie Gordon.

Who are Apipawat Nonsea's peers at other companies?

Apipawat Nonsea's peers at other companies are Jón Brynleifsson, John Field, Joann Lechko, Jens Blirup, Annisa Syakri, and Teresa Miller. and Ethan Yarbrough. Apipawat Nonsea's peers at other companies are Jón Brynleifsson, John Field, Joann Lechko, Jens Blirup, Annisa Syakri, and Teresa Miller. and Ethan Yarbrough.