Anurag Mittal

Anurag Mittal Email and Phone Number

Regional Head @ Barclays
london, greater london, united kingdom

Anurag Mittal's Contact Details

Anurag Mittal personal email

Anurag Mittal's Current Company Details


Regional Head
london, greater london, united kingdom
Financial Services

Anurag Mittal Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Anurag Mittal

What company does Anurag Mittal work for?

Anurag Mittal works for Barclays

What is Anurag Mittal's role in his/her workplace?

Anurag Mittal's role in his/her workplace is Regional Head.

Which industry does Anurag Mittal work in currently?

Anurag Mittal works in the industry Financial Services.

What is Anurag Mittal's email address?

Anurag Mittal's email address is

Who are Anurag Mittal's colleagues?

Anurag Mittal's colleagues are Heather Djukic, Heather Djukic, Kristina Slavova, Kristina Slavova, Martin Azim, Martin Azim, Rohini Pagar, Rohini Pagar, Brajesh Agarwal, Brajesh Agarwal, and Shubhangi Dubey. and John Kuffour.

Who are Anurag Mittal's peers at other companies?

Anurag Mittal's peers at other companies are Surendra Singh, Andrea Silvestrin, Perseverance Mathebula, Vasundhara Goel, Ruhi Gulati, and Juan Olveira. and Stephen Malixi. Anurag Mittal's peers at other companies are Surendra Singh, Andrea Silvestrin, Perseverance Mathebula, Vasundhara Goel, Ruhi Gulati, and Juan Olveira. and Stephen Malixi.