Anurag Mittal

Anurag Mittal Email and Phone Number

redondo beach, california, united states

Anurag Mittal's Current Company Details

Crowne Plaza Redondo Beach And Marina Hotel

Specialist With Ihg
redondo beach, california, united states
Specialist with IHG Gurgaon

Anurag Mittal Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Anurag Mittal

What company does Anurag Mittal work for?

Anurag Mittal works for Crowne Plaza Redondo Beach And Marina Hotel

What is Anurag Mittal's role in his/her workplace?

Anurag Mittal's role in his/her workplace is Specialist With Ihg.

Which industry does Anurag Mittal work in currently?

Anurag Mittal works in the industry Hospitality.

Who are Anurag Mittal's colleagues?

Anurag Mittal's colleagues are Lionel Kodagoda, Lionel Kodagoda, Franceina Allen, Franceina Allen, Michael Payton, Michael Payton, Franceina Strachan, Franceina Strachan, Maria Castillo, Maria Castillo, and Shannon Nichols. and Osama Makahleh.

Who are Anurag Mittal's peers at other companies?

Anurag Mittal's peers at other companies are Kim Hodge, Kirk Butler, Ashley Downing, Marianna Jencikova, Katrina Collinge, and Lilya Tveryankina. and Caroline Bauchet-Bouhlal. Anurag Mittal's peers at other companies are Kim Hodge, Kirk Butler, Ashley Downing, Marianna Jencikova, Katrina Collinge, and Lilya Tveryankina. and Caroline Bauchet-Bouhlal.