Antonio Holanda

Antonio Holanda Email and Phone Number

natal, rio grande do norte, brazil

Antonio Holanda's Current Company Details

Windcraft Engenharia Oficial

natal, rio grande do norte, brazil
Renewables & Environment

Antonio Holanda Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Antonio Holanda

What company does Antonio Holanda work for?

Antonio Holanda works for Windcraft Engenharia Oficial

What is Antonio Holanda's role in his/her workplace?

Antonio Holanda's role in his/her workplace is Estagiário.

Which industry does Antonio Holanda work in currently?

Antonio Holanda works in the industry Renewables & Environment.

Who are Antonio Holanda's colleagues?

Antonio Holanda's colleagues are Alisson Novais, Alisson Novais, Claudivan Raposo, Claudivan Raposo, Bastian Fenner, Bastian Fenner, Paulo De Araujo Peixoto, Paulo De Araujo Peixoto, Jailton Roberto, Jailton Roberto, and Jailton Roberto. and Pedro Luis.

Who are Antonio Holanda's peers at other companies?

Antonio Holanda's peers at other companies are Brigitte Ziswiler, Andrés M, Larrissa Rippin, Luke Haberer, Jennifer Zalokar, and Michael Fischer. and Jacqueline Guerrero. Antonio Holanda's peers at other companies are Brigitte Ziswiler, Andrés M, Larrissa Rippin, Luke Haberer, Jennifer Zalokar, and Michael Fischer. and Jacqueline Guerrero.