Anselmo Meirelis

Anselmo Meirelis Email and Phone Number

Operador De Produção @ Thyssenkrupp
essen, north rhine-westphalia, germany

Anselmo Meirelis's Current Company Details


Operador De Produção
essen, north rhine-westphalia, germany
Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering

Anselmo Meirelis Work Experience

    Professor De Matemática
    Rede Mv1 De Ensino Jul 06 - Dec 06 · 5 mos
    Operador De Produção
    Thyssenkrupp ['2009-01-01', 'Present']
    Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Anselmo Meirelis Education

    Eter República E Universidade Moacyr Sreder Bastos

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Frequently Asked Questions about Anselmo Meirelis

What company does Anselmo Meirelis work for?

Anselmo Meirelis works for Thyssenkrupp

What is Anselmo Meirelis's role in his/her workplace?

Anselmo Meirelis's role in his/her workplace is Operador De Produção.

Which industry does Anselmo Meirelis work in currently?

Anselmo Meirelis works in the industry Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering.

What schools did Anselmo Meirelis attend?

Anselmo Meirelis attended Eter República E Universidade Moacyr Sreder Bastos.

Who are Anselmo Meirelis's colleagues?

Anselmo Meirelis's colleagues are Kezia Fernandes, Kezia Fernandes, Mónica Díez, Mónica Díez, Marcelo Prado, Marcelo Prado, Oscar Garcia, Oscar Garcia, César Meana, César Meana, and Denise Worthen. and Berkay Yılmaz.

Who are Anselmo Meirelis's peers at other companies?

Anselmo Meirelis's peers at other companies are Zoran Mitić, Suri Chhiba, Anna Brian, Jane Ma, Jake Armstrong, and Jonathan Ward. and Mritunjay Srivastava. Anselmo Meirelis's peers at other companies are Zoran Mitić, Suri Chhiba, Anna Brian, Jane Ma, Jake Armstrong, and Jonathan Ward. and Mritunjay Srivastava.