Annika Lohff

Annika Lohff Email and Phone Number

Portfolio Mangerin Afrika @ Save The Children Deutschland
berlin, berlin, germany

Annika Lohff's Contact Information

Annika Lohff work email

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Annika Lohff's Current Company Details

Save The Children Deutschland

Portfolio Mangerin Afrika
berlin, berlin, germany
Civic & Social Organization
Student(in), Aarhus University

Annika Lohff Work Experience

Annika Lohff Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Annika Lohff

What company does Annika Lohff work for?

Annika Lohff works for Save The Children Deutschland

What is Annika Lohff's role in his/her workplace?

Annika Lohff's role in his/her workplace is Portfolio Mangerin Afrika.

Which industry does Annika Lohff work in currently?

Annika Lohff works in the industry Civic & Social Organization.

What is Annika Lohff's email address?

Annika Lohff's email address is

What schools did Annika Lohff attend?

Annika Lohff attended Aarhus University, Aarhus University. and Universität Passau.

What is Annika Lohff's role in his workplace?

Annika Lohff has skills like Interkulturelle Kompetenz, Nonprofit Management, Entwicklungspolitik, Sicherheitspolitik, Umweltbewusstsein, and Non Profit Organisationen.

Who are Annika Lohff's colleagues?

Annika Lohff's colleagues are Ulrike Maiwald, Ulrike Maiwald, Johanna-Marie Funke, Johanna-Marie Funke, Pia Porter, Pia Porter, Luisa Kalinin, Luisa Kalinin, Corinne Heuer, Corinne Heuer, and Sandra Schwartlaender. and Suha Naser.

Who are Annika Lohff's peers at other companies?

Annika Lohff's peers at other companies are Katrine Grothe, Mérce Huguet, Corina Kwami, Cindy Gage, Nalinaksha Singh, and Lone Larsen. and Alex Cooper. Annika Lohff's peers at other companies are Katrine Grothe, Mérce Huguet, Corina Kwami, Cindy Gage, Nalinaksha Singh, and Lone Larsen. and Alex Cooper.