Anne-line Ussing

Anne-line Ussing Email and Phone Number

rudkøbing, south denmark, denmark

Anne-line Ussing's Contact Information

Anne-line Ussing work email

Anne-line Ussing personal email


Anne-line Ussing's Current Company Details

Turist- Og Erhvervsforeningen Langeland

rudkøbing, south denmark, denmark
Management Consulting

Anne-line Ussing Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Anne-line Ussing

What company does Anne-line Ussing work for?

Anne-line Ussing works for Turist- Og Erhvervsforeningen Langeland

What is Anne-line Ussing's role in his/her workplace?

Anne-line Ussing's role in his/her workplace is Chef.

Which industry does Anne-line Ussing work in currently?

Anne-line Ussing works in the industry Management Consulting.

What is Anne-line Ussing's email address?

Anne-line Ussing's email address is

Who are Anne-line Ussing's colleagues?

Anne-line Ussing's colleagues are Turist Langeland, Turist Langeland, and Ghada Ewaida. and Juan Vazquez.

Who are Anne-line Ussing's peers at other companies?

Anne-line Ussing's peers at other companies are Jack Mcdaniel, Terri Smith, Lussy Neol, Mohd Khan, Steve Bloom, and Louise Junqua. and Sachin Joshi. Anne-line Ussing's peers at other companies are Jack Mcdaniel, Terri Smith, Lussy Neol, Mohd Khan, Steve Bloom, and Louise Junqua. and Sachin Joshi.