Anja Bollhof

Anja Bollhof Email and Phone Number

Anja Bollhof's Contact Details

Anja Bollhof personal email

Anja Bollhof's Current Company Details

Gp Joule Connect Gmbh

Renewables & Environment

Anja Bollhof Work Experience

    Office Administrator
    Aopa Jan 11 - Jul 11 · 6 mos
    Frederick, Maryland, United States
    Chief Executive Officer
    Buttwrap Jun 15 - Jan 23 · 7 yrs 7 mos
    Pirelli 2010 - 2010 ·
    Milan, Lombardia, Italy
    Country Manager Baltics
    Lufthansa Nov 06 - Jan 09 · 2 yrs 2 mos
    Passage Assistant
    Sas - Scandinavian Airlines 1994 - 1998 · 4 yrs
    Solna, Stockholm, Sweden
    Gp Joule Connect Gmbh Jan 23 - Present · 2 yrs 1 mo
    Reussenkoge, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
    Business Development At Mobileeee
    Mobileeee May 18 - Jan 23 · 4 yrs 8 mos
    * mobileeee GmbH * electro mobility * sustainable mobility solutions for companies and communities * CarSharing * BikeSharing * Sharing * CoSharing * RideSharing

Anja Bollhof Education

    Schule Fuer Touristik
    1994 - 1998

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Frequently Asked Questions about Anja Bollhof

What company does Anja Bollhof work for?

Anja Bollhof works for Gp Joule Connect Gmbh

What is Anja Bollhof's role in his/her workplace?

Anja Bollhof's role in his/her workplace is Sales.

Which industry does Anja Bollhof work in currently?

Anja Bollhof works in the industry Renewables & Environment.

What is Anja Bollhof's email address?

Anja Bollhof's email address is

What schools did Anja Bollhof attend?

Anja Bollhof attended Schule Fuer Touristik.

What are some of Anja Bollhof's interests?

Anja Bollhof has interests in Civil Rights And Social Action, Civil Rights And Social Action. Environment, Environment. Disaster And Humanitarian Relief, Disaster And Humanitarian Relief. and Children.

What is Anja Bollhof's role in his workplace?

Anja Bollhof has skills like Airlines, Aviation, Commercial Aviation, Airports, Aircraft, Negotiation, Revenue Analysis, English, German, Pricing, Change Management, Iata, and Electro Mobility.

Who are Anja Bollhof's colleagues?

Anja Bollhof's colleagues are Alicia Berger, Alicia Berger, Viktor M, Viktor M, Anke Eggers, Anke Eggers, Linda Söhnlein, Linda Söhnlein, Rico F, Rico F, and Yebel D. and Hauke Carl.

Who are Anja Bollhof's peers at other companies?

Anja Bollhof's peers at other companies are Rajendra Tiwari, Radoslav Atanasov, Alan Jaso, Rafal Syrocki, Marcus Homann, and Diane Allen. and Lindsay Mace. Anja Bollhof's peers at other companies are Rajendra Tiwari, Radoslav Atanasov, Alan Jaso, Rafal Syrocki, Marcus Homann, and Diane Allen. and Lindsay Mace.