Anita Mangcotywa

Anita Mangcotywa Email and Phone Number

Kitchen Supervisor @ Tsogo Sun
johannesburg, gauteng, south africa

Anita Mangcotywa's Current Company Details

Tsogo Sun

Kitchen Supervisor
johannesburg, gauteng, south africa

Anita Mangcotywa Work Experience

    Kitchen Supervisor
    Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

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Frequently Asked Questions about Anita Mangcotywa

What company does Anita Mangcotywa work for?

Anita Mangcotywa works for Tsogo Sun

What is Anita Mangcotywa's role in his/her workplace?

Anita Mangcotywa's role in his/her workplace is Kitchen Supervisor.

Which industry does Anita Mangcotywa work in currently?

Anita Mangcotywa works in the industry Hospitality.

Who are Anita Mangcotywa's peers at other companies?

Anita Mangcotywa's peers at other companies are Kelly Ngai, William Cottier-Blackwell, Denise Bomnskie, Mohamed Heza, Akash Pundir, and Abdaal Khan. and Kimberly Roxas-Chua. Anita Mangcotywa's peers at other companies are Kelly Ngai, William Cottier-Blackwell, Denise Bomnskie, Mohamed Heza, Akash Pundir, and Abdaal Khan. and Kimberly Roxas-Chua.