Angelique Lambert

Angelique Lambert Email and Phone Number

Conditionneuse En Choclaterie @ Marquise Et Tradition

Angelique Lambert's Current Company Details

Marquise Et Tradition

Conditionneuse En Choclaterie
Food Production

Angelique Lambert Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Angelique Lambert

What company does Angelique Lambert work for?

Angelique Lambert works for Marquise Et Tradition

What is Angelique Lambert's role in his/her workplace?

Angelique Lambert's role in his/her workplace is Conditionneuse En Choclaterie.

Which industry does Angelique Lambert work in currently?

Angelique Lambert works in the industry Food Production.

Who are Angelique Lambert's colleagues?

Angelique Lambert's colleagues are Roxane Severin, Roxane Severin, Lucas Tourand, Lucas Tourand, Muriel Bettale, Muriel Bettale, and Téo Cahagne. and Raymond Blondeau.

Who are Angelique Lambert's peers at other companies?

Angelique Lambert's peers at other companies are Francis Sanchez, Rajeshwari Sn, Heloisa Nogueira, Danilo Da Costa Magalhaes, Celeste Santiago, and Thays Campos. and Babette Musschoot. Angelique Lambert's peers at other companies are Francis Sanchez, Rajeshwari Sn, Heloisa Nogueira, Danilo Da Costa Magalhaes, Celeste Santiago, and Thays Campos. and Babette Musschoot.