Angela Ullah

Angela Ullah Email and Phone Number

Care Coordinator @ Bluebird Care
waterlooville, hampshire, united kingdom

Angela Ullah's Current Company Details

Bluebird Care

Care Coordinator
waterlooville, hampshire, united kingdom
Hospital & Health Care

Angela Ullah Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Angela Ullah

What company does Angela Ullah work for?

Angela Ullah works for Bluebird Care

What is Angela Ullah's role in his/her workplace?

Angela Ullah's role in his/her workplace is Care Coordinator.

Which industry does Angela Ullah work in currently?

Angela Ullah works in the industry Hospital & Health Care.

Who are Angela Ullah's colleagues?

Angela Ullah's colleagues are Emma Rusby, Emma Rusby, Maja Swierz, Maja Swierz, Kim Harrison-Stone, Kim Harrison-Stone, Hannah Barry, Hannah Barry, Suzy Mehmet, Suzy Mehmet, and Michael Langham. and Karen Emmery.

Who are Angela Ullah's peers at other companies?

Angela Ullah's peers at other companies are Denis Savidan, Aaluxuryvillas Stelios, Axel Jimenez, Karen Beck, Preethi Kiran, and Jacob Krogh. and Juli Garcia. Angela Ullah's peers at other companies are Denis Savidan, Aaluxuryvillas Stelios, Axel Jimenez, Karen Beck, Preethi Kiran, and Jacob Krogh. and Juli Garcia.