Angela Padilla

Angela Padilla Email and Phone Number

bogota, distrito especial, colombia

Angela Padilla's Current Company Details

Servicio Geológico Colombiano

bogota, distrito especial, colombia
Government Administration

Angela Padilla Work Experience

Angela Padilla Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Angela Padilla

What company does Angela Padilla work for?

Angela Padilla works for Servicio Geológico Colombiano

What is Angela Padilla's role in his/her workplace?

Angela Padilla's role in his/her workplace is Auditora.

Which industry does Angela Padilla work in currently?

Angela Padilla works in the industry Government Administration.

What schools did Angela Padilla attend?

Angela Padilla attended Universidad De La Salle.

Who are Angela Padilla's colleagues?

Angela Padilla's colleagues are Margarita Bravo, Margarita Bravo, Laura Garcia, Laura Garcia, Hans Diederix, Hans Diederix, Juan Barrios, Juan Barrios, Edwin Vallejo, Edwin Vallejo, and Sergio García. and Omar Alba.

Who are Angela Padilla's peers at other companies?

Angela Padilla's peers at other companies are Soomin Kim, Amie Hartman, Maria Comer, Ronald Roozeboom, Nathan Toombs, and Guillaume Tricot. and Tamer İnan. Angela Padilla's peers at other companies are Soomin Kim, Amie Hartman, Maria Comer, Ronald Roozeboom, Nathan Toombs, and Guillaume Tricot. and Tamer İnan.