Angela Padilla Email and Phone Number
Angela Padilla's Contact Information
Angela Padilla work email
- Valid
Angela Padilla personal email
Angela Padilla's Current Company Details
Albuquerque Public Schools
- Website:
- Employees:
- 5020
- Industry:
- Primary/secondary Education
Angela Padilla Work Experience
Other Similar Profiles
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Westmont, Illinois, United, dg58.org1 +163020XXXXX
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Speech Pathologist
Jamestown, Rhode Island, United,, -
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Start your free trialFrequently Asked Questions about Angela Padilla
What company does Angela Padilla work for?
Angela Padilla works for Albuquerque Public Schools
What is Angela Padilla's role in his/her workplace?
Angela Padilla's role in his/her workplace is Special Education Teacher.
Which industry does Angela Padilla work in currently?
Angela Padilla works in the industry Primary/Secondary Education.
What is Angela Padilla's email address?
Angela Padilla's email address is
Who are Angela Padilla's colleagues?
Angela Padilla's colleagues are Shirley Baca, Shirley Baca, Laura Desmet, Laura Desmet, Sophie Collaros, Sophie Collaros, Patricia Langfitt, Patricia Langfitt, Robert Ortega, Robert Ortega, and Deb Pomeroy. and Carmen Trujillo.
Who are Angela Padilla's peers at other companies?
Angela Padilla's peers at other companies are Anna Tcms, Yolanda Herrera, Polly Alfonso, Parera Ziengs, Helen Neill, and Peter Milovanovic. and María Lorenzo. Angela Padilla's peers at other companies are Anna Tcms, Yolanda Herrera, Polly Alfonso, Parera Ziengs, Helen Neill, and Peter Milovanovic. and María Lorenzo.