Angela Lloyd

Angela Lloyd Email and Phone Number

Designer @ Matalan
bidston, wirral, united kingdom

Angela Lloyd's Contact Details

Angela Lloyd work email

Angela Lloyd personal email


Angela Lloyd's Current Company Details


bidston, wirral, united kingdom

Angela Lloyd Work Experience

    Assistant Designer
    Carter'S | Oshkosh B'Gosh Aug 08 - Jun 09 · 10 mos
    Atlanta, Georgia, United States
    This position involved working on Mothercare and TU at Sainsburys accounts, covering layette up to 5 years. Main responsibilities included conducting shop reports, trend research and putting together presentation boards and packs for buyers. As well as working on house ranges I also had the opportunity to work on licensed character range Humphrey’s Corner. This involved designing small coherent night wear and leisure wear ranges for baby boys and girls.
    Flyers Group Plc Feb 11 - May 12 · 1 yr 3 mos
    United Kingdom
    My role at Flyers Group involves working on in-house brands Feu Follet, Bebe Cool, Sugar Pink Girls and Hadleigh Boys. Within this role I am solely responsible for researching trends, fabrics and trims. My main responsibility is designing all of the newborn part of the business, whilst also taking on some older ranges up to 8 years. Working on different brands give me the opportunity to build on my knowledge that comes with each age group. Where possible I'm also keen to produce my own graphics. Other duties include liaising with oversees factories, putting signed off ranges into work, and feeding back on prototypes before production.
    Cohen And Wilks International Ltd Aug 09 - Feb 11 · 1 yr 6 mos
    As a designer I worked on accounts for customers George, TK Maxx and Joe Browns. Being involved in all aspects of the design process from the initial brief to presenting the final range. My biggest account was baby wear for George, covering newborn layette, fashion baby girl and boy. As well as designing outerwear, I also cadded up leisure wear ranges and sets for baby toddler girls and boys, and 4 -14 boys. Within the Joe Browns account, I got to experiment with my own range of graphics as well as garment shape. A major part of my job was to travel and work in China. This was a challenging and fast paced environment- but one I thoroughly enjoyed. During my time in China I was responsible for arranging fabrics for buying samples. This greatly expanded my knowledge of fabrics and made me able to make decisions on the spot whilst also developing my people skills.
    Matalan Oct 12 - Present · 12 yrs 4 mos
    United Kingdom

Angela Lloyd Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Angela Lloyd

What company does Angela Lloyd work for?

Angela Lloyd works for Matalan

What is Angela Lloyd's role in his/her workplace?

Angela Lloyd's role in his/her workplace is Designer.

Which industry does Angela Lloyd work in currently?

Angela Lloyd works in the industry Retail.

What is Angela Lloyd's email address?

Angela Lloyd's email address is

What schools did Angela Lloyd attend?

Angela Lloyd attended Liverpool John Moores University.

What is Angela Lloyd's role in his workplace?

Angela Lloyd has skills like Photoshop, Graphics, Illustration, Apparel, Illustrator, Screen Printing, Embroidery, Textiles, Craft, and Creative Pattern Cutting.

Who are Angela Lloyd's colleagues?

Angela Lloyd's colleagues are Phillip Mcallister, Phillip Mcallister, Rachael Brownbill, Rachael Brownbill, Stella Lang, Stella Lang, Shaira Begum, Shaira Begum, Amy Holland, Amy Holland, and Joanne Caile. and Alexei Cowan.

Who are Angela Lloyd's peers at other companies?

Angela Lloyd's peers at other companies are Hugo Grenyer, Jerika Gutierrez, Daniel Scheffer, Wendy Prewitt, Yasin Defterli, and Kevin Jardine. and Ashley Dixon. Angela Lloyd's peers at other companies are Hugo Grenyer, Jerika Gutierrez, Daniel Scheffer, Wendy Prewitt, Yasin Defterli, and Kevin Jardine. and Ashley Dixon.