Andrew Price

Andrew Price Email and Phone Number

washington, district of columbia, united states

Andrew Price's Current Company Details

Marine Corps Recruiting

washington, district of columbia, united states
My qualifications represent a background of providing administrative and legal assistants to the unit Commanding Officer while still assisting in administrative task for 280 members. These experiences have given me the opportunity and ability in providing the upmost stress free professional assistance. My ability to multi-task and attention to detail contributes in a number of functional areas.

Andrew Price Work Experience

    Administrative Assistant
    Marine Corps Recruiting Aug 07 - Aug 11 · 4 yrs
    Washington, District Of Columbia, United States
    * Direct administrative task for a 280 member of Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 323. * Authored daily outgoing correspondence evaluation/fitness report, awards, messages, directives/reports * Respond to all visitor requests; provide full support in multiple line telephone coverage, including screening all incoming calls for Commanding Officer. * Provide all members travel arrangement, flights, hotel and schedule. * Squadron mail clerk * Inventory control * Budgeting * Record keeping * Program development * Data Entry * Top secret clearance

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Frequently Asked Questions about Andrew Price

What company does Andrew Price work for?

Andrew Price works for Marine Corps Recruiting

Which industry does Andrew Price work in currently?

Andrew Price works in the industry Military.

Who are Andrew Price's colleagues?

Andrew Price's colleagues are Oscar Gomez, Oscar Gomez, Shawn Beidler, Shawn Beidler, Peter Serra, Peter Serra, Jack Aubrey, Jack Aubrey, Rodger Horsley, Rodger Horsley, and Daniel Ralowicz. and Morales Arturo.

Who are Andrew Price's peers at other companies?

Andrew Price's peers at other companies are Robert Niccolini, Tyler Florey, Jasper Brian, Cedric Shaw, Jazmín Sosa, and Tara Roberts. and Comite Torreones. Andrew Price's peers at other companies are Robert Niccolini, Tyler Florey, Jasper Brian, Cedric Shaw, Jazmín Sosa, and Tara Roberts. and Comite Torreones.