Andrew Espindola

Andrew Espindola Email and Phone Number

northridge, california, united states

Andrew Espindola's Current Company Details

Systems Engineering Research Laboratory (Serl)

Software Engineer
northridge, california, united states
The creation of objects has always been a passion of mine. I am refining myself while dashing toward a career in the computer engineering field.

Andrew Espindola Work Experience

  • Software Engineer
    Systems Engineering Research Laboratory (Serl) Jul 18 - Present · 6 yrs 7 mos
    Northridge, California, United States
  • Computer Science And Robotics Teacher
    Sigma Coding End date missing
  • Aims2 Tutor
    Northridge, California, United States
  • Professional Student Worker
    Chatsworth Superior Courthouse Jul 15 - Jan 16 · 6 mos
    Kept a database of traffic documents. -Delivered traffic documents to necessary courtrooms once recorded.
  • Computer Science Teaching Assistant
    Northridge, California, United States
    T.A Comp 110: Java based, introduction to programming and algorithms. -Helped debug student code. -Graded Java projects per structure, clarity, and requirements. -Graded Tests based on professor requirements and specifications. -Guided students through projects and concepts.

Andrew Espindola Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Andrew Espindola

What company does Andrew Espindola work for?

Andrew Espindola works for Systems Engineering Research Laboratory (Serl)

What is Andrew Espindola's role in his/her workplace?

Andrew Espindola's role in his/her workplace is Software Engineer.

Which industry does Andrew Espindola work in currently?

Andrew Espindola works in the industry Research.

What schools did Andrew Espindola attend?

Andrew Espindola attended California State University, Northridge, California State University, Northridge. and Pasadena City College.

What are some of Andrew Espindola's interests?

Andrew Espindola has interests in Education, Education. Environment, Environment. Science And Technology, Science And Technology. Arts And Culture, Arts And Culture. and Health.

What is Andrew Espindola's role in his workplace?

Andrew Espindola has skills like Java Programming, 40 Wpm, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Windows, Powerpoint, Research, Computer Hardware, Photoshop, Java, and Programming.