Andrea Gomez

Andrea Gomez Email and Phone Number

Andrea Gomez's Current Company Details

Hogar De Ancianos Israelita Del Uruguay.

Non-Profit Organization Management

Andrea Gomez Work Experience

Andrea Gomez Education

Frequently Asked Questions about Andrea Gomez

What company does Andrea Gomez work for?

Andrea Gomez works for Hogar De Ancianos Israelita Del Uruguay.

Which industry does Andrea Gomez work in currently?

Andrea Gomez works in the industry Non-Profit Organization Management.

What schools did Andrea Gomez attend?

Andrea Gomez attended Instituto Opcion, Instituto Opcion. and Universidad De La República.

Who are Andrea Gomez's colleagues?

Andrea Gomez's colleagues are Yobanis Pèrez, Yobanis Pèrez, Gerardo López, Gerardo López, Alejandra Fruchter, Alejandra Fruchter, Juan Pena, Juan Pena, Juanito Lumillos, Juanito Lumillos, and Yoni Kurlender. and Diego Ponce.

Who are Andrea Gomez's peers at other companies?

Andrea Gomez's peers at other companies are Jane Lauchlan, Myekeni Thibane, Gloria Halder, Erica Byrne, Lisa L, and Sedat Eraslan. and Marissa Domeisen. Andrea Gomez's peers at other companies are Jane Lauchlan, Myekeni Thibane, Gloria Halder, Erica Byrne, Lisa L, and Sedat Eraslan. and Marissa Domeisen.