Andrea Ruiz

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Andrea Ruiz's Current Company Details

Cooperacion Latino Americana De Redes Avanzadas Clara

Asistente Administrativa

Andrea Ruiz Work Experience

Andrea Ruiz Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Andrea Ruiz

What company does Andrea Ruiz work for?

Andrea Ruiz works for Cooperacion Latino Americana De Redes Avanzadas Clara

What is Andrea Ruiz's role in his/her workplace?

Andrea Ruiz's role in his/her workplace is Asistente Administrativa.

Which industry does Andrea Ruiz work in currently?

Andrea Ruiz works in the industry Telecommunications.

What is Andrea Ruiz's email address?

Andrea Ruiz's email address is

What schools did Andrea Ruiz attend?

Andrea Ruiz attended Universidad Nacional De Colombia, Universidad Nacional De Colombia. and Universidad Distrital Francisco José De Caldas.

Who are Andrea Ruiz's colleagues?

Andrea Ruiz's colleagues are Cesar Hernandez, Cesar Hernandez, Omar Garzon, Omar Garzon, Nelson Correa, Nelson Correa, Lilian Garzón, Lilian Garzón, Espocita Gutierrez, Espocita Gutierrez, and Yaqui Maestri. and Harold Martín.

Who are Andrea Ruiz's peers at other companies?

Andrea Ruiz's peers at other companies are Roger Warner, Karim Eltawansy, Rajesh Pandey, Kali Srivastava, Kenneth Rich, and Derifa Ngoshi. and Maurin Gomez. Andrea Ruiz's peers at other companies are Roger Warner, Karim Eltawansy, Rajesh Pandey, Kali Srivastava, Kenneth Rich, and Derifa Ngoshi. and Maurin Gomez.