Anda Iacob

Anda Iacob Email and Phone Number

Referent Import-Export @ Greenweee International
buzau, buzau, romania

Anda Iacob's Contact Details

Anda Iacob work email

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Anda Iacob's Current Company Details

Greenweee International

Referent Import-Export
buzau, buzau, romania
Renewables & Environment

Anda Iacob Work Experience

Anda Iacob Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Anda Iacob

What company does Anda Iacob work for?

Anda Iacob works for Greenweee International

What is Anda Iacob's role in his/her workplace?

Anda Iacob's role in his/her workplace is Referent Import-Export.

Which industry does Anda Iacob work in currently?

Anda Iacob works in the industry Renewables & Environment.

What is Anda Iacob's email address?

Anda Iacob's email address is

What schools did Anda Iacob attend?

Anda Iacob attended University Of Bucharest.

Who are Anda Iacob's colleagues?

Anda Iacob's colleagues are Serban Eduard, Serban Eduard, Alexandru Iordache, Alexandru Iordache, Adrian Androne, Adrian Androne, Constantin Bratu, Constantin Bratu, Gheorghe Prahoveanu, Gheorghe Prahoveanu, and Adriana Ionescu. and Dana Conciu.

Who are Anda Iacob's peers at other companies?

Anda Iacob's peers at other companies are Gracia Candido, Lj Cottrell, Eddie Wieczorek, David Moffat, Mayur Panchal, and Abelardo Hernández. and Connor Tuff. Anda Iacob's peers at other companies are Gracia Candido, Lj Cottrell, Eddie Wieczorek, David Moffat, Mayur Panchal, and Abelardo Hernández. and Connor Tuff.