Ananya Shetty

Ananya Shetty Email and Phone Number

Senior Qa Automation Engineer @ Intraedge
chandler, arizona, united states

Ananya Shetty's Current Company Details


Senior Qa Automation Engineer
chandler, arizona, united states
Information Technology And Services
* Worked as Functional tester for 1.5Years and involved in Test Planning, Execution and Defect tracking. * Understood the product completely during knowledge transfer itself by exploring it through user documents. * Involved in developing and maintaining automated test scripts for Regression and Smoke Testing and Uploading Results in Confluence Pages * Created accurate and efficient test scripts in UFT\Cypress to manage automated testing of certain products and features. * Building Cypress Tests for web testing using Page Object Model. * Building Cypress Tests for REST API Testing * Automation of API test using Postman (Javascript Tests) integrating with newman * Worked on different Cypress Reports like Mochawesome, Allure * Basic Understanding on Playwright

Ananya Shetty Work Experience

    Senior Qa Automation Engineer
    Intraedge Mar 23 - Present · 1 yr 11 mos
    Chandler, Arizona, United States
    Test Engineer Senior Analyst
    Accenture Jun 21 - Feb 23 · 1 yr 8 mos
    Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
    * Project Domain: Telecom | Automated Weekly Regression Testing using Cypress * Javascript | POSTMAN API Automation | API Tests Automation by Cypress | Reporting JIRA * Confluence | Bitbucket
    Associate Software Engineer
    Accenture Sep 17 - May 19 · 1 yr 8 mos
    Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
    Understand the Business Functionality of the system | Test case Planning, Test Case Execution | Bug Report in HP ALM| Automated Daily Smoke Tests Using UFT(VB Scripting) | Regression Testing
    Test Analyst
    Accenture Jun 19 - Jun 21 · 2 yrs
    Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
    Domain Telecom | Automation Weekly Regression Testing using UFT | Scripting Regression Testing | POSTMAN | Web Testing using Cypress + Javascript | HP ALM | QC

Ananya Shetty Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Ananya Shetty

What company does Ananya Shetty work for?

Ananya Shetty works for Intraedge

What is Ananya Shetty's role in his/her workplace?

Ananya Shetty's role in his/her workplace is Senior Qa Automation Engineer.

Which industry does Ananya Shetty work in currently?

Ananya Shetty works in the industry Information Technology And Services.

What schools did Ananya Shetty attend?

Ananya Shetty attended University Vishweshwaraya College Of Engineering.

Who are Ananya Shetty's colleagues?

Ananya Shetty's colleagues are Amit Jolly, Amit Jolly, Kamalkant Rout, Kamalkant Rout, Suresh Kumar, Suresh Kumar, Sandeep Karteek, Sandeep Karteek, Verinder Nirvana, Verinder Nirvana, and Upendra Bhadauria. and Navneet Kaur.

Who are Ananya Shetty's peers at other companies?

Ananya Shetty's peers at other companies are Sandro Shoji, Snehal Patil, Anwar Yusuf, Joanne Chung, Jyrki Martti, and Olivia Hutt. and Björkvall Yngve. Ananya Shetty's peers at other companies are Sandro Shoji, Snehal Patil, Anwar Yusuf, Joanne Chung, Jyrki Martti, and Olivia Hutt. and Björkvall Yngve.