Anand Srivastava

Anand Srivastava Email and Phone Number

Back Office Employee @ Narayan Infraheight Pvt. Ltd. - India

Anand Srivastava's Current Company Details

Narayan Infraheight Pvt. Ltd. - India

Back Office Employee
Real Estate

Anand Srivastava Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Anand Srivastava

What company does Anand Srivastava work for?

Anand Srivastava works for Narayan Infraheight Pvt. Ltd. - India

What is Anand Srivastava's role in his/her workplace?

Anand Srivastava's role in his/her workplace is Back Office Employee.

Which industry does Anand Srivastava work in currently?

Anand Srivastava works in the industry Real Estate.

Who are Anand Srivastava's colleagues?

Anand Srivastava's colleagues are Ajeet Mishra, Ajeet Mishra, Faiz Syed, Faiz Syed, Ankit Singh, Ankit Singh, and Sunny Srivastava. and Vivek Dwivedi.

Who are Anand Srivastava's peers at other companies?

Anand Srivastava's peers at other companies are Kristen Carroll, Richard Vislocky, Johana Meschede, Cam Sustar, Andrew Brentnall, and Randy O'dell. and Mohammad Alam. Anand Srivastava's peers at other companies are Kristen Carroll, Richard Vislocky, Johana Meschede, Cam Sustar, Andrew Brentnall, and Randy O'dell. and Mohammad Alam.